Office in Via Cernaia a Roma

Office in Via Cernaia a Roma

Property I.D. 5218024

Price: € 550,000

  • 3
  • 1

Property Key Features

  • Energy class: G
  • Floor: Rialzato
  • Number of rooms: 5
  • Heating: Autonomous
Country: Italy
Region: Lazio
Town: Roma

Property Profile

Roma (Roma) - Via Cernaia, Castro Pretorio district, is a road that divides the complex of the baths of Diocletian in two, and respects the nineteenth-century urban layout and strengthens the dialogue between ancient and contemporary. In a period building, we offer a ground floor office, well renovated, with an external view on the Ministry of Finance. The double entrances allow a main entrance and another more reserved one directly in the meeting room. The four study rooms, a service and a condominium parking space, complete the property. An investment with the possibility of excellent income.


The Castro Pretorio district, which includes Via Cernaia, is a very lively district because of the pedestrian traffic coming from Termini station. It was once famous for basic hotels, but today it houses trendy boutiques, hotels and hostels,. In the great Baths of Diocletian it is possible to admire ancient sculptures and the adjacent Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri was designed by Michelangelo. The elegant fountain in Piazza della Repubblica is one of the neighborhood's landmarks.


In via Cernaia the Palazzo delle Finanze was born, as the first large public building in the new capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Wanted by Quintino Sella, the project is by the engineer Raffaele Canevari, in collaboration with other important architects of the time. The start of the construction of the building, together with the modernization works of the Termini Station, marked the beginning of the irresistible wave of urban expansion which led to the birth, according to the Master Plan of Luigi Pianciani (1873), of the "new" neighborhoods of Rome: the Macao or Independence district (rione del Castro Pretorio, of which the Palazzo delle Finanze is part), the Sallustiano, the Ludovisi, the Esquilino, conceived after the move to Rome of the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. For the construction work of the Ministry, the remains of Porta Collina, one of the surviving gates of the ancient Servian walls, were demolished and the remains of the Baths of Diocletian were covered.

Energy class: G
:0.10 kWh/m2year
Number of rooms:5
Number of bedrooms:3
Number of baths:1


Area: Lazio
Price: € 550,000
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
State: -
Legal Status: -